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Friday, February 24, 2012

Isn't its sweet? Putting your partner's photo on your cellphone's wallpaper.. Sharing everything with your partner.. Showing how much your partner means to you in public (in a clean way, of course).. Giving long random messages to your partner.. Exchanging stuffs when you're out together.. Like there's nothing to keep from each other..

People always say, it seems like there is no trust when a partner wants it this way.. there is no trust when a partner ask for the other's cellphone. but never did we realize, this is also part of trust.. part of everything that a couple is going through in life.. never did we realize, this little things is what that makes two person close to each other without any misunderstandings.

What's there to be hidden? What's there to be afraid of? What's there to make it a big issue?

Talking about things every night.. Settling problems that comes our way.. All that cannot be done by one sided. It takes two to fall in love, thus, it takes two to make things right..

Trust is a big word. Commitment is another. Understanding is important.

Yes, we love our partner for who they are. Yes, we love our partner no matter what their flaws is.. AND YES, we love our partner imperfectly.

But there's never a No to trying our best to meet our partner's needs and wants that would make things working out better.

And here I am, trying to be a better person for my partner.

Blogged @ 3:35 AM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Everyday I hope to see you. To talk to you. To make myself at peace. But the moment I see you, Im afraid that my good intentions would go wrong. Sigh. How am I suppose to ask you?

Will you be able to accept whatever Im going to say? Will you going to cooperate with me to make things easier for us? Will you keep to what you've said before? Sigh.

I can never lie to myself. I still feel sad when you are there. I still ask myself why did all this happen? I still feel that everything is not right.

Sigh. All I wish for now is for you to listen, to voice out, to compromise. But how am I going to be able to do it?

Im just afraid.

Sigh. All those things that I got to know are still playing in my mind.. All those words that I heard and see are still stuck in my head. How am I suppose to let it all go? What does all that simply means?

Sometimes, I feel that I am never good enough for you. I feel that I am not the one that you are looking for. Sigh. Where's the feeling that makes me secure?

Sometimes, you made me feel that you want those girls who are just like a bitch. Thus, unknowingly, you made me feel that I need to be like them. Sigh. But I know, it's just not right. And I will never be like one..

I just want things to be right. And secure.

I want to start anew .. but I need your help too ..

I love you too much. ;(

Blogged @ 12:09 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


No wish from you. sigh

Happy anni.

Blogged @ 11:57 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Muhammad Nazirul Amin B Maidin
Prince of Syai's Heart

Its been 4 years together, and I really appreciate your presence in my life. I thank Allah for giving me the chance to know you and for sending you for me. I hurt you so much before.. but you are still there for me.. Everyday without fail, I will always thank Him for giving me such a great guy. I will never fail to think about you..

Everyday, i will always put myself in your shoe to feel and think of what i would have done when you are the one creating so much hurt for me.. i have never thought that i could be like you.. if i were to be in your place, i would have left you and never accept you again.. but you didnt. you're there when i came back, looking for you. you're there when i need you even after so much hurt..

I cant ask from Him for a better guy. To me, you're the best and the perfect one. Never think that you are not good enough for me.. Never think that I would look out for a better guy than you. After all those hardships, I have never thought that i could get a better guy than you..

Besides thinking of what you have done for me, sometimes, i do think of myself.. after all those shits that i heard from the people about you, i still cant believe that i am still with you. sometimes, i feel good that i am still with you. cause i know, all that happened is just a test to show how far i can tolerate and how strong i am.. i feel good. i feel great. i am able to move on with you smoothly.. i am still able to stay by your side through everything..

I believe, this is what they called destiny. I believe, this is what they called true love. And I strongly believe, that we are meant for each other.. And you're meant for me.

I dont know if what I have been feeling of myself is what you see me as.. But knowing that feeling within me, it made me feel real good. It made me feel very secured. It made all my fear to fade.. It made me feel that you will never leave me for any other females outside.. I feel that I would be treasured most by you.. But I have to agree, this is all just my feelings. And I will never know what lies within you..

But deep in my tiny heart, I have always hope that it is all true..

Nothing can describe how much I treasure you.. And how much you meant to me.. I thank Him for giving me the best gift in my life after so much bitterness that I have experience in life before you exist in my world.. I thank Him for giving me the strength to fight through everything that passes by.. And also, I thank you for accepting me, loving, caring and pampering me.. Thanks for putting up with me all this while.. Nothing can describe the feeling within me as the days passes by with you in my life..

I love you and I always will..

Blogged @ 11:51 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, September 9, 2011

Its been a long time since I last updated my blog. Heh.

Hubby has went for his 2nd trip. And soon, on Monday, he will be flying off again to Brunei. Sighs.. Just came back from Taiwan on 29 Aug, now going off again.. And it will go on and on and on until he ORD.

Basically, I have been meeting him almost every single day ever since he came back. Hubby, you did kept to your promise. I love you.

On the 29th Aug, he was suppose to fetch me from my interview. However, he did not. I understand very well that he is really tired and is having his rest even though i was kind of disappointed. But.. My disappointment dissolve when he called me up and ask to meet up. And by the time he called, I was already at home.. I was feeling really tired to go to Bukit Panjang. And.. He was the one that came down to my place to meet me. Hubby, you made me smile so widely on that day. I missed you too much and finally got to meet you! Thanks for the stuffs that you bought for me from Taiwan. I LOVE IT!

The day after raya, 31 Aug, he met me again. He fetch me from my house. Went to send his friend home and then we went off to eat breakfast together at Lot One. And off to school. And he eventually waited for me to end my lesson. Hee. And so, he fetch me. Then we went back to my area.. Spend time together.. And had lunch cum dinner at Burger King. We had some serious talking about the past and future.

Hubby, remember one thing, past is past. I did all that due to my anger. I'm sorry for my mistakes in the past..

010911, Thursday, our 3 years 9 months. Met him in the morning, just like the day before. He fetch me and then went to have breakfast at GreenRidge banquet. Then off he drove me to school.. Was so happy.. But not till the time when he fetch me from school.. It was my mistake.. I ended school late and I told him that I am going to end class soon.. Then we went to West Mall to watch movie, Crazy Stupid Love.. After buying the tickets, we went to buy sushi and ate at Koufu's Indonesian Nasi Ayam.. It was not bad.. By then, we were okay already.. No more moody face.. After watching movie, then we went to chill at the carpark, sitting on his car, enjoying our sushi.. Hehe!

On the friday, 2nd Sept, he came over to my place to fetch me and spent time together.. Unknowingly, we both wore green! We sat by his car and enjoying the cool breeze.. Then I hit my head on the chair.. Hubby thought I cried but the fact was, I was laughing.. Hahaha! Hubby was enjoying himself after that while trying to cheer me up.. Hahaha.. Even though it was just a short time, it was worthwhile..

On Saturday, 3rd Sept, I came down to Jurong Point to meet him.. Brought for him dinner, his favourite dish, Nasi Lemak! Fed him and then off to send him to the interchange as he needs to go to work that night.. Was kind of sad as I began to miss him VERY MUCH !
Sunday and Monday, we didnt get to meet as he was busy..

Tuesday, we met, he fetch me from CCK after I end school and he end work.. Then, we went to chill again.. And off to have our late lunch at KFC, FINALLY ! Hee.. Then we went to watch movie, Bad Teacher.. My first M18 movie.. Hahaha! Then, we went to chill again.. Enjoying the cool wind..

Wednesday, was kind of a bad day.. But at the end of the day, everything was fine.. Thanks hubby for everything.. I love you.. I like it when you hugged and kissed my forehead before I leave.. It made me smile so widely..

Thursday, 08 Sept, hubby fetch me from home as usual and sent me to school.. Then, he fetch me from school.. And we had OCK for early dinner and chilling again at our usual spot, the spot that is always full of breeze.. Then off back home!
Today, met him in the morning.. He sent me for my meeting at ITE Tampines.. Then off to have our lunch at Raihan Cafe. And spent few hours together at our usual spot, camwhoring and surfing net!

Hubby, Im going to miss you so damn much! Quickly finish every of your trip, please!! Sigh. InsyaAllah, we will manage it together.. Love you, dear..

Blogged @ 9:45 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Went to Hubby's friend engagement ceremony just now along with few of his friends. Had a short argument with Hubby in the morning. But when I meet him, I have got Guylian Chocolate from Hubby. Thanks, Hubby! I love you so much !

I cried when going home cause I know that today is going to be my last day of meeting him before he went off for his Brunei trip. Super sad. I wonder how I am going to survive for THREE weeks without him.

Anyway, after sending his friends off, we went to eat frozen yogurt at Frolicks. Hee. Nice time spent with Hubby today. However, I cant deny that all the way my mind is so disturb by the fact that he is flying off on this Tuesday which is just 2 more days. sighs. I swear I am going to miss him alot. :(

Sorry to have you see me cry. Sorry to make your heart heavy about leaving me here. I just cant hold my tears any longer.

I miss you already.

Blogged @ 9:10 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, June 17, 2011

Have been meeting Hubby since Monday all the way till Friday. Hee. Happiness strikes. However, soon, I am going to be a lonely girl when Hubby is going to fly off to Brunei for his NS.

Monday,13 June, we met and went to BP area. Hee. Then I got my SkullCandy headphone. Heheh! Thanks dear! And yes, it was the start of everything that went so awesomely awesome. Haha! He went to send off his friend at Changi Airport. So I waited for him. And while waiting for him, I tried on my brand new headphone that he bought for me. It was awesome, man ! I told him about it and I can tell that I am super happy that I could feel that he was much more happier than I am cause he knows that he achieved in making me happy. :) He stay in his camp on that night. So again, I waited for him and eventually fell asleep. But he did called me when he's driving his way back to his camp. He said he wants me to accompany him as he was afraid that he would fall asleep while driving. And so, I woke up and gave him a call. Despite the fact that I am tired, I don't mind talking to him at 3am just to ensure that he's just fine driving back to his camp. I don't know if he knows that. But I really don't mind. Cause I just care for him. Yes dear, anything for you. :)

Tuesday, 14 June, I ended school early. But I didn't know that he work half-day. So, I went to have lunch with my friends and one of my lecturer. On our way back home, I called him. And I got to know that he ended work at 11am. -.- And he sound very different. I almost felt like blowing up. But I kept myself cool. And finally, he told me that he was pissed off as he ended work early, but he could not meet me. At last, we met as I actually have an hour more to spare before my shift starts. So we went to car wash. And then chill together. And yes, it was another fun day with Hubby. :)

Wednesday, 15 June, I had meeting at Simei. I was so afraid that I could not meet him. But at last, I did meet him. Hee. I was so hungry when I was on my way to Frontier from Simei. And as soon as I get into his car.. TAADAA! He gave me chocolate with butter cream waffle. Haha! It was so sweet of him! My gosh. I LIKE! Then, he went to send his friend at Yishun. After that, he sent me back home. However, as usual, before going home, we will always spend time together. Lying down beside him in his comfortable car is just awesome. Had a serious talk about what will happen when he went off for his Brunei trip and so on.. I was trying to hold on to my tears so damn hard. And I made it. His hugs, his kiss, everything just made me melts more into his arms. The fact is, I am so going to miss him when he's away.

Thursday, 16 June, he was suppose to meet me at around 11am till 12noon. But he was so busy with his departure briefing and stuffs. So II eventually went to my workplace to take my pay and wanted to go to Jurong Point to kill time before work and at the same time, wait for him. I don't know why, but on Thursday, I have a strong feeling that I am going to meet him no matter what. Then, while waiting for the bus, I receive a text message from him. And so, I decided to give him a call. And just nice, he told me to wait for him and we headed to Junction 8 to make our couple ring. Hehe! Awesome. The salesgirl keep a wide smile and keep on laughing looking at whatever that I did to him. And said that w both are very cute. Haha! It's all because of the height difference. Haha! Then, we had lunch at LJS as I was so hungry. I can't stop laughing at there cause of the incidents that keeps on happening. Haha! He ordered the Ice Milo drink that comes with the nuggets. And the cashier just gave him the drink incomplete. Then she took the drink back, and put the toppings. Ok, that was fine. When he wanted to take the tray to our table, the cashier stopped us and gave him a spoon and a straw. Guess what, the straw was upside down! The pointed side was on top and the rounded side was dipped in the drink. I was laughing out loud with Hubby while walking to our table. And when he wanted to drink it, I cant help myself but to laugh! Hahah! At his car, I accidentally pressed the horn for twice with my head cause i laughed too much and put my head there. And he also accidentally hit the horn once with his elbow. Haha! Simply, Thursday was a day filled with lots of laughters! :D

Friday, today, 17 June. He called me and ask me out for Brunch so randomly, and I swear I am loving it! And then, as usual, we will end up lying down in his car. Haha! It was another awesome short day for us. Hee. We had lots of laughter that I eventually coughed non-stop due to him. Then he sent me to ITE CCK for my meeting. And awesomely, he eventually send me all the way till I meet my friend. So it means, he eventually went up to the 5th level to send me off for my meeting. And we had a great time climbing the stairs. Haha! I just love it! :)

I love the time spent with Hubby. And how I wish that the time doesn't change or pass by quickly. Everything is just too wonderful for me to get it over. Hubby, thanks for the time spent on me and everything! I love you very very the much!

Blogged @ 10:12 PM
Don't let me go -